Cuando usted visita por primera vez la Ciudad de México, piensa que ya ha estado alli por la similitud de algunos sectores con otras ciudades de América Latina. Asi nos pasó al caminar por Polanco, donde nos hospedamos, y considerada una de las mejores y exclusivas áreas de la ciudad. Sus sombreadas y arborizadas calles, parques alrededor, la cercanía de sus variados, bien decorados y buenos restaurantes, pastelerías y cafeterias de facil acceso a pie. Conocer todo el encanto de otros puntos de la ciudad, a pesar del ruido y congestionamiento que todo destino grande trae consigo, fue realmente una bonita experiencia.
In a sharing of anecdotes, friendship and respect
recognizes the work of its writers
In a pleasant and significant meeting, our newspaper recognized the work and dedication of its writers who for many years and, consequently, have been writing their well-woven articles every month.
The meeting took place at the Galuppi's restaurant in Pompano Beach in front of their golf course, in a pleasant atmosphere, with anecdotes and experiences lived by each one of them, with different themes and styles in their approaches.
This little sharing gave us the opportunity to see each other again, talk and give each other that big thank you hug, wishing you a happy and prosperous 2023.