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By Luis Miranda

What is Dunning-Kruger syndrome?

Dunning-Kruger syndrome affects certain dysfunctional personalities and consists of the tendency of some people with low ability or ineptitude to perform certain tasks in one or more areas of human activity. Those who suffer from this syndrome make excessively exaggerated positive evaluations of their own abilities, they overvalue themselves and are also incapable of recognizing the abilities of others; They think they are much more competent than the rest of the world when in reality they are not. It is a very serious flaw that involves a serious cognitive bias and a personality flaw.


The consequences of this syndrome are very serious when those affected by it manage to position themselves in executive or highly responsible positions, because they cause serious alterations in the lives of their subordinates and all those who depend on their actions or functions.


When an individual with such characteristics manages to assume positions of power and also presents many other symptoms of emotional and mental imbalances, it is very difficult to predict how much damage they can cause, either in a company or worse still in a position of political power.


These reflections come to mind when we observe what is happening in the 21st century. There is a famous quote that is inscribed at the entrance to the Nazi death camp of Auschwitz, pronounced by an American philosopher born in Spain: George Santayana and it says: "He who does not know history is condemned to repeat it."


Unfortunately, there is a very serious educational deficiency in the domain of history in the school curricula of today's world.


An example of these failures is evident in the educational agenda of Governor Santis, who through far-fetched laws; It seeks to hide historical truths that have marked American society.


The banning of books and the persecution of librarians and teachers wants to hide the infamous history of slavery, racism, xenophobia and discrimination that have marked more than 200 years of history. That the new generations do not know who "Grandma Moses" was, Roberto Clemente or Celia Cruz, to mention just a few characters banned by her signature.

The truth is that if we do not know our past, we cannot understand our present, much less anticipate our future.


Not knowing history is being ignorant. History involves having a general idea of ​​how humanity has evolved from many points of view and from different fields of knowledge that include scientific advances, technological and scientific revolutions, medical advances, aviation and navigation. In short, literature and religious beliefs and their social, economic and political effects.


We are in the 21st century. In the 70s and 80s, of the last century, when I attended high school and my first years of university, we saw the world wars as something of the past, surpassed by human intelligence. I still remember a teacher, a reader of Herman Hesse and Erich Fromm, who explained 'The art of loving' to us and added that by the year 2000, the world would have evolved to a stage in which we would speak of generations of peace, that is, of a humanity that would build a world where wars , like the first and the second, would be just a bad memory.


Knowing history entails an educational process and an ethical and intellectual condition called humanism. Ignorance is the absence of knowledge of history and that condition.


Well, understanding this leads us to the conclusion that the extreme right totally lacks elementary concepts, scientific knowledge, humanism and ethics and morals, therefore the arguments they use for their campaigns and political proposals are based on lies and false conspiracy theories, that is, they are ignorant, they are not capable of governing.


After 80 trials and the statements of hundreds of officials from the electoral departments of the 50 States of the Union; ratified by dozens of judges, all from both parties, Republicans and Democrats, it was established as an irrefutable truth that there was no failure or fraud in the 2020 electoral process that gave victory to Democratic President Joe Biden. They were clean and transparent elections.


The greatness of the democratic system of the United States lies in the stability of its institutions and the independence of the branches of public power; the executive, the legislative and the judicial.


Until the rise to power of a character with Dunning-Kruger syndrome who declares himself to be the best and the only one capable of governing by valuing himself above all others, the institutions on which the American dream had been built had maintained their stability. following George Washington, who set an example of when to know that his term as president was over and that his duty was to contribute to the peaceful and respectful change of presidential command every 4 years, a tradition that had been maintained since then

This tradition has protocols such as public respect for other people, especially if they are officials in any of the branches of public power or the press. What can we say about someone used to giving insulting and discriminatory nicknames to 99% of the people he refers to?


But when this character became president, he refused to give the floor to certain journalists during his peculiar press conferences if they belonged to any network where they had criticized him:


"Not you, not you... your organization is terrible... silence... She's asking a question, don't be rude," Trump told a CNN reporter who was protesting because he wasn't giving him the floor after harshly criticizing to his middle  I'm not going to let you ask a question. You represent 'fake news', declared the then president of the United States. He was visibly angry that he had mentioned whether Russia had information that compromised him:

Trump called unconfirmed reports that Russia had compromising information on him a "witch hunt."


He had a business offer for US$2,000 million with a businessman from Dubai, it is said that so as not to compromise his public position and his private interests. However, he emphasized that as president he had no obligation to abandon his businesses since the United States Constitution allows it; however, he transferred the management of his companies to his sons Don and Eric as of January 20, when he took office. the presidency, but we all know that he never respected those ethical and moral standards. His government demonstrated a serious conflict of interest, which has not been clarified. He also noted that all profits his hotels made from foreign government guests would be donated to the U.S. Treasury. Such a thing never happened, on the contrary he did numerous businesses using his hotels for government purposes and passing the bill to the government.


On the other hand, he stated: "I believe that Russia was responsible for the hack, but I also believe that other countries hack us. We will form a defense with great computer minds."


It didn't happen either, on the contrary, Russian interference in favor of Trump could be proven by hacking the privacy of the Democratic Party and several electoral departments in several States and during his mandate and even today he continues to defend Putin and demonstrate admiration, even after the invasion of Ukraine. Admire a dictator without reservation. Trump researchers and critics point to Democratic Party email leaks as one of the key factors in his victory in the 2016 election.

US intelligence services accuse Putin of ordering help Donald Trump win the election with cyber attacks.


For months, Trump dismissed the plausibility of reports that Russian authorities could be behind the hackers who accessed the Democratic National Committee's email accounts. The list of lies is endless:

He insisted that his immigration policy would involve building a wall on the border with Mexico and that he would make that country 'reimburse' the cost, but such things have never been and will never be seen.


The Mexican president at the time, Enrique Peña Nieto, insisted that his country was not going to pay for its northern neighbor's wall:

"At no time will we accept anything against our dignity as a country, nor our dignity as Mexicans," he said, "Mexico, of course, will not pay" and so it happened.


In terms of international relations, he stated: "We have a horrible relationship with Russia. If Putin likes me, that is an advantage and not a burden. They will help us fight the Islamic State" he criticized the situation of relations between the government of Obama and Vladimir Putin, with whom he said, however, he hoped to get along well.


During the presidential campaign, the Russian president praised Trump as "a very brave and talented man," and the American responded that as long as he said nice things about him, he would respond in the same terms.


In terms of health for the common citizen, it promised something that it never achieved in its 4 years. "They will be proud of what we are going to do against Obamacare.


Dismantling the health reform promoted by President Barack Obama was one of Trump's main objectives since he began his presidential candidacy. The Covid pandemic and his refusal to recognize science cost him dearly. He has described the government program, which expanded health coverage to 20 million people in the United States, as "a total and absolute disaster."


When addressing the issue of the intelligence report that indicated that Russia had compromising information about Trump, he did not deny it and stated that it was a scandal that the information had been leaked.


'I will be the greatest producer of jobs that God created,' he said in the introduction to his first speeches. Trump emphasized that his economic policy would focus on job creation and talked about car companies relocating their factories in the United States. .


None of that happened. His four-year term was an economic disaster and it has once again been a Democrat: Joe Biden who has saved the economy, as in the past.


When Bush Sr. bankrupted the country, Bill Clinton rescued it with eight years of economic success; when Bush Jr. handed over the country in the midst of the worst economic crisis in history in a recession reminiscent of the 1930s; Barack Obama saved the auto industry and the entire economy.


History repeats itself. Republicans bankrupt the country and Democrats save it

Now we are in charge of saving democracy. A false prophet sells Bibles while attending court to pay for the damages caused to a sexual servant and proclaims himself the most qualified to govern, when he has already proven that he is a failure. He has not paid taxes, he has defrauded the banks and the State, he incited an insurrection that partially destroyed the capitol, attacking the democratic institutions that he intends to end on the first day of his next term if he wins.


How is it possible that the Republican Party continues to support a character with this aforementioned harmful syndrome such as Dunning Kruger?


The only explanation for this phenomenon of regression is that the educational system in many rural areas and in the center of the country is mediocre, otherwise it could not be understood that a population that calls itself conservative, with Christian and family values; pick someone who doesn't represent them at all. It's incomprehensible. We can only think of mentioning Shakespeare: when he said: 'something is rotting in Denmark'... and something is rotting in the United States when the presidential campaign has reached the low level and polarization in which we find ourselves.


We are forced to continue asking our conscious and educated citizens to vote for Democrats and Joe Biden to save our democracy.


Luis Miranda

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