By Luis Miranda
Voting for justice and decency is the only way out
Trump-appointed Justice Brett Kavanaugh voted to grant immunity to Donald Trump, his decision puts our democracy at risk.
Millions of citizens in the United States have indignantly opposed this position that delegitimizes the Supreme Court of Justice and turns it into a partisan instrument at the service of the interests of a particular candidate.
Democratic institutions have made the United States the great nation that it is. Among them is the independence of the judiciary with respect to the other branches of public power, which until now had provided security, stability and confidence to the citizens.
Since the signing of the Bill of Rights by President Lyndon B. Johnson on July 2, 1964, the country has enjoyed immense respect throughout the world and great internal stability thanks to the trust in its institutions and, of course, the independence of the branches of public power from each other, maintaining the proper distance between the executive, legislative and judicial branches. The political impartiality of the justice system is the guarantee that democracy exists and that the human rights of all citizens are respected, regardless of race, ethnic origin or religious beliefs.
Therefore, the independence of the State is the most important thing to govern a secular country where religions have the right to exist, as long as they do not try to impose their beliefs on the secular State, because this would take us back to the barbarity of religious wars, crusades and the Inquisition, typical of the Middle Ages during the 10th, 11th, 12th and 13th centuries.
The extreme positions of Republicans on issues such as abortion are not based on scientific knowledge or on the functioning of the human body and mind, but on dogmas and beliefs, irrational or based on conspiracy theories that have nothing to do with the social, economic and political reality of a country with the vitality, energy and production capacity of the United States of America.
The favoritism towards Donald Trump by the Supreme Court of Justice (SCOTUS); the decisions of the members that give him immunity, endanger all those fundamental principles and directly contribute to a man convicted of crimes before a jury of independent citizens; occupying the most important position in the country. A man who, after a fair trial and in accordance with the law, can evade responsibility for his actions and sabotage the investigations of other accusations for related crimes, especially with his role as instigator of the assault on the Capitol on January 6, 2021, with the purpose of preventing the peaceful process of transfer of power to a president legitimately elected by the majority of the popular vote and the approving sanction of the Electoral College; does not deserve to occupy that position.
Meanwhile, the Democratic Party, thanks to the generosity and greatness demonstrated by President Joe Biden, who has put the country before his own interests, has managed to strengthen a movement of people from all social strata; from unions; from teachers; from librarians; from all those who believe in the greatness of the nation by ceding their candidacy to Vice President Kamala Harris who, together with Tim Walz, have called on the electorate to vote for democracy, against corruption on November 5, as the only possible alternative to the 'Coup d'état' that extremist Republicans have been carrying out from the Supreme Court of Justice and through the immoral and unethical actions of numerous judges appointed by Trump during his term, who have shown themselves to be totally biased in favor of impunity for the crimes of which the Republican candidate is accused.
This far-right coup d'état that began to manifest itself with the abolition of Roe and Wade has spread to around 16 states with radical Republican governors who have censored not only the activities of doctors and altered the operation of clinics and hospitals specialized in women's health care in general, but have attacked libraries, public school systems, banning books, defunding public education to favor particular or religious beliefs with county and federal state money, and promoting the abolition of social security and aid for veterans and the elderly. Obsessively attacking minorities and communities such as the LGBTQ+, for example.
We must not forget how they have tried to nullify history classes in order to take away legitimacy from the rights of black communities and immigrants. The clearest examples were: refusing to vote for a bipartisan agreement that regulated the immigration system, with the sole objective of favoring Trump's electoral campaign, demanding the humanitarian Parole that allows around half a million people married to citizens to regularize their "immigration status" because they have lived here for more than ten years - some even thirty - and do not have documents that allow them to participate in politics even though they contribute to the country's economy.
Caring for their children and spouses and paying taxes without due recognition from the government they have served for decades.
The joy of these families, who had legally begun their petitions to regularize their stay in the country, has been blocked by a judge who is responding to the lawsuit of sixteen Republican states, which, with this, demonstrate how their agenda is anti-immigrant and racist, totally lacking in humanity or reasons of justice towards these people who have been an important part of our communities for years and contributing to general well-being.
What we do not understand is how many of these Latinos who have also come as immigrants in the past can vote for someone who is going to directly destroy the life chances of those people who, like them, have only sought an opportunity to lead a dignified and peaceful life.
We must make many Republicans and conservatives understand that the only option to survive in the world around us today is to respect diversity and work with joy and optimism to save a democracy that, with all its virtues and defects, has been an example for the civilized world and a current leader that seeks to maintain similar conditions of justice and equity throughout the planet.
For all these reasons, and after having followed the magnificent interventions of the participants at the Democratic Party Convention between August 19 and 22, our unconditional vote is for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz.