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By Ernesto Morales


We simple citizens have suffered enormous changes in our power structures over the millennia: from the Sumerians and medieval empires, to absolutists, monarchies, theocracies and oligarchies, as well as the forms of Government closest to our time: the republican and democratic; without excluding those that, detached from them by certain failed arguments or criteria, become despotic tyrannies when put into practice. 


This reflects the incessant search of certain prominent groups for a style of government that matches the mentality of the citizens who elect them. Unfortunately it never adjusts to everyone's common denominator and they assume that we should be satisfied with what the majority thinks. Unfortunately for us, this may not always be the case, and many consider suffering unpleasant consequences from the Government of the day.


By somewhat analyzing the institutions that aim to please the majority, we realize that there are some gaps in thought or interests masked in their projections. Take for example the fact that people blessed by fortune - billionaires, corporation owners, company presidents, top officials in companies and government agencies, as well as people enriched by who knows what shady financial dealings - make substantial donations of money. campaign above or below the table to the parties and candidates that they believe best fit their points of view and, by extension, will defend their capitals. 


The people described in the previous paragraph invest in private schools and universities or build them, to -indirectly- prepare the future of their assets and estates. That is, students whose parents can pay for their tuition and classes at these schools, and those whose children have an intelligence quotient above average and their parents do not have a mentality eaten away by the political misrepresentations of the moment, will have the benefit of study under the tutelage of first-rate teachers - talented, intelligent and of proven rectitude - who will satisfy the approval of their generous donors and investors. 


So, students who are unattractive due to genetics - less intelligent or talented by inheritance - or whose parents lack sufficient economic resources, will have to satisfy their academic aspirations - if they have them - in public schools and universities, with supposedly lower teaching quality - almost always due to the laziness of the Governments - and, therefore, the majority will remain below the level of the others, those privileged by the fortune of their families or by the generational legacy of which they have been beneficiaries. 


What does this achieve? some readers will ask. Well, the logic of this question indicates that the least educated people or whose education is behind the society in which they live, will make up the majority of the inhabitants in all the countries of the planet and, in this way, it will not be very difficult convince them of any socio-political argument that is injected in enormous and frequent doses by the different media, some of them, also victims of the influence that money exerts when it is invested in huge amounts in advertising with skillful overtones, hidden under confusing verbiage.  


So what happens? Democracies or republics, after obtaining leadership in the votes with psychological tricks, do and undo as they please with those who gave them their vote in the elections. One of the best examples that supports this reasoning is the one that points to artists, singers or fashionable groups and top athletes as gods of the moment. Some of these are even so absurdly daring that they dare to express their opinions - most of the time incompetent, uninformed or ignorant - on topics as neuralgic as politics and religion, not to mention other disturbing texts published by the press. yellow daily.


It is like this, to the misfortune of the common citizen. And then, a crowd of followers who swell their ranks, indirectly manipulated by some newspapers, magazines, radio stations, television channels or Internet pages, guide them - or, rather, disorient them - and lead them inexorably to errors. of judgement.


Therefore, it is of vital importance that people inform themselves properly, seeking to confirm their opinions with reliable sources, which are those who do not risk their prestige to the clutches of vulgarity or third-party demands. Those that do, editorialize the news or omit the truth in whole or in part from their narrative in an attempt to distort reality and confuse the less enlightened. 


The dynamic to follow may be in the hands of the readers: “Do not trust anyone who tells you things that you have no idea about.” Lies, half-truths, and other banalities that usurp the real content of information can directly or indirectly conspire with what the average voter objectively intends when voting. 


It is unquestionable from any discernment, the fact that there is only one truth and that everyone believes they possess it. The most thoughtless reasoning leads certain people to try to remain the sole owners of it, and they allow themselves to be carried away by what is advisable for them at that moment: to deprive others of the truth in dispute, whatever it may be.


However, what prudence advises is to stick to premises close to the common sense of the average citizen. Do not repeat like an echo the diatribes that do not teach anything noble or just. It is everyone's duty to reflect sensibly, which may mean removing the blindfold and seeing the clarity of the sky even when it is very cloudy or at night, illuminated by the stars. 


The reality that is hidden under the constant cackling of certain characters, leaders of institutions, government officials or corporations, does not in any way imply that they are possessors of the truth. Ignorance of certain social and political precepts, surreptitiously revealed in their manifestations and speeches, does not neutralize the course of history. 


Ignorance cannot replace knowledge in any sense. Which means that we must ensure that proven evidence is the stepping stone that allows us to climb to the top of absolute truth and justice. A truth that does not fear any scrutiny and asserts itself. It is not in vain that the Cuban apostle José Martí once said: “ignorance kills people, that is why it is necessary to kill ignorance.”


Ernesto Morales

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