By En USA news
Presentation of the book “The Eternal American Tragedy” by our columnist Ernesto Morales Alpízar
At Florida International University
On November 8, our columnist Ernesto Morales Alpízar presented his book “The Eternal American Tragedy” at Florida International University, with the support of The Cove/Rincón Organization, which has been directed by Marily A. Reyes for 29 years. The Cove/Rincón aims to connect writers, artists of all genres and the reading public with the dynamics of a cultural family.
The event was attended by a large audience and people linked to the literary world. Before the presentation of the author's book, there was room for various interventions by people with poems, articles, craft creations, paintings, and writings on different topics in general.
The book “The Eternal American Tragedy” is a novel that narrates the 4 great problems that the United States has always faced: immigration, wars, racism, and abortion. It deals with themes of fictional characters. It is very interesting to read. You can buy the book on Amazon.